Talk at Columbia University

On Thursday, for anyone in the NYC area, I am participating in a panel as part of a teach-in on Gaza at Columbia University. So much for Maternity Leave (Noor, incidentally, is coming with me)! Here is the pertinent information:
"GAZA: The Biggest Prison in the World?"
A Panel Discussion
THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14th 5:30-7:30pm
Location: 702 Hamilton, Columbia University
The Gaza Strip has been consistently described as the biggest prison in the world, with approximately 1.5 million people living in 139 square miles enclosed entirely within security barriers, where all movement in and out of Gaza, whether of people or of essential goods, can be cut off at any time byblockades.
Please join the Arab Student Association for a panel discussion that will explore the ongoing crisis on the ground, bringing together academic, journalistic and humanitarian perspectives.
Panel members:
Rashid KHALIDI: Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies in the Department of History and Director of the Middle East Institute at Columbia University
Idith ZERTAL: Professor of Contemporary History, Institute of Jewish Studies, The University of Basel, Switzerland
Andrew WHITLEY: Director of the Representative Office of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in New York
Laila El-HADDAD: Laila El-HADDAD: Palestinian journalist, filmmaker and photographer based between Gaza and the U.S. and writes principally for the al-Jazeera English website and the Guardian Unlimited. Frequently contributes to the BBC World Service, her work has also been published in the New Statesman, the International Herald Tribune, and and Le Monde Diplomatique. She recently co-directed the short film "Tunnel Trade" and maintains her own widely read blog.
MODERATOR: Nadia ABU EL-HAJ, Associate Professor, Department of
Anthropology, Barnard College, Columbia University
Hi ! / Bonjour !
I am a French young man, passionated for international questions. I discovered your blog 5 minutes ago, and am already addicted to it !
What is your advise for "normal" occidental people like me who emphasize for Gaza, and want to do something to help people living there. I don't mean politically, but humanly speaking only. Many people in France are concerned about xhat's happening over there, but our political class is mainly inefficient to solve that kind of problem !
Very best regards,
Benjamin Lalanne
will there be a video of the event for youtube?
Will pray for you - even though I'm sure you're more than able for the situation, baby and all!
Khuda hafiz
Good luck!! Wish I were there to see it! Let us know how it went, please!
Hi there! I just stumbled across your blog and find it very interesting! Do you know if your Gaza panel you mentioned here is available to see anywhere on the web? I'd love to see it!
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