Friday, December 30, 2005

There's your solution!

I don't usually highlight highly idiotic statements that politicians or people make for one reason or another, dismissing an entire people or race, but this time, I felt compelled to. Yesterday, the mayor of Sderot, speaking to YNET, said that Israel should "wipe Beit Hanoun off the map". To quote the seagull in Finding Nemo, "Niiiice." That suggestion should definitely bring about a lasting peace.

It goes hand in hand with a "humane occupation" I guess.

For more, see Amira Hass's "Humanitarian is a Lie".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eli Moyal says some outrageous shit sometimes. He's always had a big mouth, and as mayor of Sderot he often feels an obligation to express the anger and fear of his constituents. If you look at what he's actually done, though, his recent track record includes organizing a group of Israeli and Palestinian mayors for economic and environmental cooperation. He in fact has a long history of cooperating with Palestinians.

I'm not asking you to forgive what Moyal said, but in his case the actions may speak louder.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Ibrahamav said...

A gate for those in wheel chairs? I wonder how long untli some one rigs up a wheel chair to explode.

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the thing about sderot its a very very poor town full of israelis jews of middle eastern orgin who already have pretty miserable lives there.And now what is happening with the qassams they feel very angry.They should think about what the lives of people in gaza are like but there selfish as long as gaza is behind a fence they dont care.But in a way i can understand why the people sderot feel about beith hanoun.But eli moyal is scum i also think amir peretz said the same thing when he was mayor so it playing to the electorate

12:31 PM  

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