Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A momentous day (but miles to go)

In case you get the wrong idea, this post is about potty training, not elections. Not to digress from the theme of the past few posts, but yesterday was a momentous day in my household: Yousuf, whose morbid fear of sitting on our toilet I'm sure Frued who have a field day with, finally made his own little, um, you know what, in a potty of his own. See, the regular toilet (which he once loved in days gone by) wasn' working for us, even witha cover. So we opted for a little potty instead (called "nunu" or "nuniah" here in gaza). He seems to enjoy sitting on it (although that's the extend of it, going is another matter). Yesterday we had our first successful experience however (which has since not been repeated). At least we are making progress beyond the pee pee-stained persian rugs that I am sure my father is going to bill me for one day.

Interestingy, the nunu is actually Israeli made. It made me realize how many things here that are so staple are Israeli products (especially now that the Karni commercial crossing is closed for over 20 days, subject of another post). There is even this candy that is very populuar here-this puff of marshmellow creme/meringue on top of a butter biscuit and all covered with chocolate and foil. We call it it "kosha", but I realized the foil has hebrew on it. My aunt says she remember it being introduced after 1967. So if any of you Israelis out there can help me out here-tell me if you know what I"m talking about and what you call it to satisfy my curiosity...

ok addendum to this post, i was informed the sweet in question is called "krembo". You can see a picture on that link. Apparently the forerunner is a danish variant of the krembo, which was introduced to Israel in 1966 by the Whitman Company.


Blogger Dan Eisenberg said...

do you get all the flavors or only the chocolate with vanilla cream inside. My friend wrote a whole post Dr. Weil on it.

Have a good day

2:59 PM  
Blogger Laila said...

Only vanilla. I always thought it was marshmallow creme, but its only meringue? I never eat the biscuit it tasted gross.

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Israel you can get mocha flavored as well...

11:15 PM  

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