shards of glass and Murphy's Law
Add to the list of highly unusual, toxic and dangerous things Yousuf has managed to put in his mouth during these 40 days of imposed exile: a shard of glass!! I noticed him attempting to chew on something, then spit out what was a piece of glass from a chili sauce bottle that shattered the previoius day . . . oops.
He's also during the past week become very attached to his seedo, and has learned how to wave "Bye bye" (although he pronounces it "beh beh") when he sees his grandad approaching the door.
On another note, the Rafah border will FINALLY open on Friday inshallah. We all plan to journey to al-Arish Friday afternoon, then attempt to make our way to Gaza Saturday along with thousands of others. Im convinced, after God's will of course, its Murphy's law-yesterday I decided to stop buying things in minute amounts in anticpation of the border opening "anyday now", and wouldn't you have it, the border opens, :)